A lot of us think that that credit score, that end-all/a be-all number is really the deciding factor on whether or not we can get a loan. Any loan or for that matter be it a car loan, student loan, appliance loan, or financing just about anything, but that score, that...
Your credit score and history is one of those magical things that sit out there in the inter-webs just waiting to be increased, decreased, or inquired upon. That magical little number can offer excellent rates on loans or prevent you from getting the home of your...
You may have heard the term “good debt” and “bad debt”. Good debt is typically a mortgage payment, car loan, and student loans; loans that have a consistent monthly payment and help build credit. Bad debt is considered revolving credit cards or...
The last thing any buyer wants is to have their financing fall through before they closed on a new house. It’s tough enough these days to qualify for a mortgage so you don’t want to do anything that could damage your mortgage or upset your interest rates...
FICO is different than that unknown entity that seems to take money from your check each week (FICA – an Acronym for Social Security). Your FICO score is a credit score provided by one of the major credit agencies in the U.S. This is the main score lenders and...
Many homeowners faced financial hardships during the recession. Loan modifications were and still are a way for homeowners to hold on to their home instead of losing it in foreclosure. If you are in the middle of a home modification or have had an approved...