Recommended Professionals

Martin Wilson

Martin Wilson Realty One Group

Mission Viejo – Laguna Niguel

(949) 244-8753





Dave Feldberg

Coastal Group OC
3419 Via Lido #320
Newport Beach   949 371-8006

Cell #949 439-6288



Kory JacksonKory Jackson
Keller Williams

8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite 500
Los Angeles

310-256-3040 office

310-717-3720 cell

Joan WilliamsJoan Williams, RTRP, CTEC

2050 W. Chapman Ave. #216
Orange, California 92868

(949) 464-8776  office

(714) 366-2562  direct

(714) 242-9728  e-fax  


MonarchShawn McElderry

Financial Advisor/CEO
Monarch Wealth & Retirement Strategies
(818) 370-9046 mobile
(855) 529-4015 toll-free
(866) 329-6977 fax


Coming Soon…
Coming Soon…
Coming Soon…

What Are Rate and Term Financing?

A rate and term refinance can be a useful way to save money on your home loan. What Is It? Basically, a rate and term refinance is a loan improvement. It allows you to exchange your old mortgage for a new one that will hopefully put you in a better financial position....

How to Start Saving Money for a House

How to Start Saving Money for a House

Saving money to purchase a home may seem big, daunting, scary, unattainable, or always just out of reach. Don’t let your fears or apprehensions stop you from getting closer to the dream of owning your own home. Once you take those first steps it won’t seem so scary...

6 Steps to Finding the Best Mortgage

6 Steps to Finding the Best Mortgage

Applying for a mortgage on your home is more than just going down to your bank and taking the first offer given to you. It is best to shop around so you know you are receiving the best offer to invest the largest amount of money you will probably ever spend. As you...