Recommended Professionals
Martin Wilson Realty One Group
Mission Viejo – Laguna Niguel
(949) 244-8753
Dave Feldberg
Coastal Group OC
3419 Via Lido #320
Newport Beach 949 371-8006
Cell #949 439-6288
Kory Jackson
Keller Williams
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite 500
Los Angeles
310-256-3040 office
310-717-3720 cell
Joan Williams, RTRP, CTEC
2050 W. Chapman Ave. #216
Orange, California 92868
(949) 464-8776 office
(714) 366-2562 direct
(714) 242-9728 e-fax
Shawn McElderry
Financial Advisor/CEO
Monarch Wealth & Retirement Strategies
(818) 370-9046 mobile
(855) 529-4015 toll-free
(866) 329-6977 fax
What is a HELOC? Pros and Cons
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people have been looking into different ways to cut their cost of living to meet their income. One of the most common ways is to find a solution with their home. A significantly large number of people have been...
Answers to Mortgage Questions During COVID-19
Last week we touched on a few questions many people have concerning mortgages due to the impacts the COVID-19 virus has had on the economy. Since there are quite a few important questions being asked right now we decided to answer a few more. This week will focus more...
Answers to Questions Many People are Wondering About Mortgages due to Corona Virus
With so many unknowns in many areas, especially financial and economic ones, during the COVID pandemic, many homeowners and potential buyers have a number of questions they are wondering about. Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about mortgages on...
Pros and Cons of an Adjustable Rate Mortgage
An adjustable-rate mortgage, also referred to as an ARM, is a home loan with a fixed rate for the first few years that switches over to an adjustable rate. The beginning fixed-rate period can be anywhere from the first three to ten years of the loan. This differs from...
FICO Credit Scoring System will be Changing This Summer
The FICO credit scoring system has been widely used since 1989. Since then the parameters in which FICO arrives at a certain number for an individual credit score have changed to help give a more precise assessment of a person’s credit history. This summer the FICO...