Recommended Professionals

Martin Wilson

Martin Wilson Realty One Group

Mission Viejo – Laguna Niguel

(949) 244-8753





Dave Feldberg

Coastal Group OC
3419 Via Lido #320
Newport Beach   949 371-8006

Cell #949 439-6288



Kory JacksonKory Jackson
Keller Williams

8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite 500
Los Angeles

310-256-3040 office

310-717-3720 cell

Joan WilliamsJoan Williams, RTRP, CTEC

2050 W. Chapman Ave. #216
Orange, California 92868

(949) 464-8776  office

(714) 366-2562  direct

(714) 242-9728  e-fax  


MonarchShawn McElderry

Financial Advisor/CEO
Monarch Wealth & Retirement Strategies
(818) 370-9046 mobile
(855) 529-4015 toll-free
(866) 329-6977 fax


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What You Need to Know About an E-Closing

What You Need to Know About an E-Closing

As many things shift to online and electronic services during pandemic social distancing measures people buying and selling homes are getting used to a new way of conducting real estate transactions. One of those things is the way mortgage papers are signed.  ...

Buying a House Sight Unseen? Avoid These 8 Mistakes

From grocery shopping to home buying, it seems like almost everything can be done completely online now. The idea of buying a house without seeing it is less daunting these days with all the new technologies and ways to buy a home virtually, and it’s becoming more...

What is a HELOC? Pros and Cons

What is a HELOC? Pros and Cons

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people have been looking into different ways to cut their cost of living to meet their income. One of the most common ways is to find a solution with their home. A significantly large number of people have been...