Recommended Professionals
Martin Wilson Realty One Group
Mission Viejo – Laguna Niguel
(949) 244-8753
Dave Feldberg
Coastal Group OC
3419 Via Lido #320
Newport Beach 949 371-8006
Cell #949 439-6288
Kory Jackson
Keller Williams
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite 500
Los Angeles
310-256-3040 office
310-717-3720 cell
Joan Williams, RTRP, CTEC
2050 W. Chapman Ave. #216
Orange, California 92868
(949) 464-8776 office
(714) 366-2562 direct
(714) 242-9728 e-fax
Shawn McElderry
Financial Advisor/CEO
Monarch Wealth & Retirement Strategies
(818) 370-9046 mobile
(855) 529-4015 toll-free
(866) 329-6977 fax
5 Reasons Your Loan May Not Be Approved
There's nothing more disheartening than realizing your home loan has fallen through or you can get approval for a home loan. It really comes down to these five reasons why a lot of buyers feel to get their mortgage approved. #1. Low credit score. Now, I specialize in...
Should I Look at Homes First or Apply for a Loan?
I hear a lot of agents telling buyers to apply for a home loan before looking at any property but is this always the best direction? I have found that applying first and looking at homes second only works about half of the time. The reason for this being that buyers...
Top Mistakes Many First Time Buyers Make
The last thing we want is to have regrets after buying such a large purchase, a home. If you're like a lot of consumers these days, you've done your research, you've become educated, and you understand a little bit more about the home buying process. But yet, if...
When Should We Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage?
Being preapproved before looking at homes is always the correct way to do things when buying a property but when should you get preapproved, why, and what is it? Being preapproved with a lender is more than simply typing in your income in a mortgage calculator online...
What Will it Cost You If You Wait to Buy?
I speak to a lot of real estate agents that have issues with buyers waiting to buy. Obviously, we know the prices consistently go up over the years even if there are drops here or there but what is really the difference if you buy now versus waiting until next year?...