5 Things Not to Say When Applying for a Mortgage

5 Things Not to Say When Applying for a Mortgage

Though mortgage rates are phenomenally low right now, the standard qualifications for mortgages have become more strict. There are many more things that set off red flags with lenders since the COVID pandemic began. When applying for a mortgage loan you want to give...
How to Start Saving Money for a House

How to Start Saving Money for a House

Saving money to purchase a home may seem big, daunting, scary, unattainable, or always just out of reach. Don’t let your fears or apprehensions stop you from getting closer to the dream of owning your own home. Once you take those first steps it won’t seem so scary...
6 Steps to Finding the Best Mortgage

6 Steps to Finding the Best Mortgage

Applying for a mortgage on your home is more than just going down to your bank and taking the first offer given to you. It is best to shop around so you know you are receiving the best offer to invest the largest amount of money you will probably ever spend. As you...

Buying a House Sight Unseen? Avoid These 8 Mistakes

From grocery shopping to home buying, it seems like almost everything can be done completely online now. The idea of buying a house without seeing it is less daunting these days with all the new technologies and ways to buy a home virtually, and it’s becoming more...