Recommended Professionals
Martin Wilson Realty One Group
Mission Viejo – Laguna Niguel
(949) 244-8753
Dave Feldberg
Coastal Group OC
3419 Via Lido #320
Newport Beach 949 371-8006
Cell #949 439-6288
Kory Jackson
Keller Williams
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite 500
Los Angeles
310-256-3040 office
310-717-3720 cell
Joan Williams, RTRP, CTEC
2050 W. Chapman Ave. #216
Orange, California 92868
(949) 464-8776 office
(714) 366-2562 direct
(714) 242-9728 e-fax
Shawn McElderry
Financial Advisor/CEO
Monarch Wealth & Retirement Strategies
(818) 370-9046 mobile
(855) 529-4015 toll-free
(866) 329-6977 fax
Using a Construction Loan to Build Your Dream House
Construction loans can be a good option if you are hoping to build a brand new custom home or put some major work into an existing one. Read on to find out more information on construction loans. What is a Construction Loan? A construction loan has a shorter term than...
How Long-Term and Short-Term Loans Differ
How Long-Term and Short-Term Loans Differ - As the pandemic is still a large presence around the country and pandemic induced low-interest rates are still at all-time lows, it is still a good time to consider a refinance. This could also be a good time to take the...
How Soon Can I Buy a Home After Bankruptcy
Qualifying for a mortgage loan that would enable you to purchase a home after filing for bankruptcy may seem like a crazy dream. Bankruptcy tends to cast shame or paint a filer as a person who should never be trusted again with borrowed money. In all actuality, every...
5 Steps to Protecting Your Credit Score During a Pandemic
The current times have turned many people’s personal finances for a loop. Even as businesses begin to open back up many employees are still furloughed or unemployed. Some employees have stayed at work the whole time, but with reduced pay. As many of us work to keep...
Can Cash-Out Refinances Help Reduce Debt?
If you have mounting debts that you are struggling to pay off and feel like you will never get beyond just paying the high interest, you may be looking for ways to help pay the debt down. One option some people look into is a cash-out refinance. When you opt for a...